- 发布日期:2024-09-25 22:32 点击次数:74
三年更三季,英剧《神探夏洛克》终于在2017年元旦讲求。第四季第一集《六座撒切尔像》播出后关怀度一如既往的火爆。在剧情方面,传奇第四季夏洛克和华生将际遇“前所未有的暗黑故事”,想必依然看过的剧迷们应该体会到了这一季的压抑氛围。底下松开一下神色文爱 电报群,沿途走动顾一下对于《神夏》的十件趣事,好好期待第四季第二集播出吧,毕竟谁也不知谈下一季又要比及什么时刻了。
As Sherlock returns to our screens, here are 10 curious things you might not have known about the BBC series: BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》讲求了,底下是对于这部剧你可能有所不知的10件趣事:
1. Holmes and Watson are good enough to eat 夏洛克和华生的滋味还可以
Speedy's Cafe, the sandwich emporium frequented by Holmes and Watson in the series, is a real café on Gower Street, near Euston - the BBC's stand-in for 221b Baker Street. The fans who flock there from all over the world can now enjoy specially created Sherlock-themed snacks, specifically the Sherlock wrap or the Watson Wrap. 《神夏》中夏洛克和花生时时光顾的三明治店史皮迪斯咖啡馆是果真存在的,这间咖啡馆位于尤念念顿隔邻的高尔街(剧中的贝克街221b)。全世界的粉丝蜂涌而至,刻下他们可以在这里享受特制的“神夏主题”小吃,尤其是“夏洛克卷”和“华生卷”。
2. Despite China's best efforts, Sherlock isn't gay 天朝粉丝远程了,但夏洛克不是弯的
As amply demonstrated by the kisses in season three's first episode, The Empty Hearse, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have always enjoyed flirting with the ambiguity of Sherlock's sexuality. "Everyone recruited him to their perspective, their interpretation," Benedict Cumberbatch once said when asked about Holmes's sex life. "I've had asexuals come up to me and thank me for representing asexuals." But they're mistaken, according to Moffat: "There's no indication in the original stories that Holmes was asexual or gay," he told The Guardian. None of which has stopped millions of Chinese fans from adopting Sherlock as a gay icon, with a vast archive of literature dedicated to his romantic exploits with Watson. 史蒂文•莫法特和马克•加蒂斯一直很可爱拿夏洛克婉曲不清的性取向逗趣,第三季第一集《空灵柩》中的吻戏即是有劲解说。在被问及夏洛克的性生计时,本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇曾说:“每个东谈主对这个脚色王人有我方的主见妥协读。也曾有无性恋东谈主士跑到我跟前,感谢我为他们代言”。但莫法特向媒体表示,民众王人扭曲了,“其实原著中并莫得暗意夏洛克是无性恋或同性恋。”但这些王人无法违反他成为数百万中国粉丝们的同性恋偶像,他们创作了大王人的夏洛克花生爱情题材作品。
3. His pen-catching skills are beyond reproach 卷福的接笔手段无东谈主能敌
A scene in The Blind Banker shows John throwing a pen to Sherlock, who catches it without even looking at it. Cumberbatch made the catch on the first take (using a mirror so he could see it coming), but the cameraman was too slow and missed it. He got it again on the third. 在《盲场地银各人》中有一幕,花生扔了一只笔给夏洛克,夏洛克看王人不看就接住了。康伯巴奇在拍摄时第一次就告成接住了(他用了一面镜子看笔飞到哪儿),但作为快得录像师王人莫得捕捉到。康伯巴奇第三次拍摄时再次告成接住了笔。
4. '221b Baker Street' actually looks like this 贝克街221B内容长这样
The 370 sq ft one-bedroom flat above Speedy's Cafe, which is in fact about a mile away from Baker Street but doubles as Sherlock's home for exterior shots, was available for rent in early 2012 for the price of £330 a week. 夏洛克家的内景拍摄地内容上在史皮迪斯咖啡馆楼上,这间卧室面积约为34平米,是福尔摩斯果真的家的两倍,这里距离贝克街约1600米。早在2012年这里是对出门租的,每周房钱330英镑。
5. Sherlock's staircase would please purists 原著粉很振作《神夏》的台阶建筑
In Conan Doyle's A Scandal in Bohemia, Sherlock asks Watson how many steps lead up to their quarters at 221b Baker Street. Watson hasn't a clue. "I know there are 17 steps, because I have both seen and observed," Holmes tells him. Because Sherlock fans are similarly observant, there are 17 steps leading to the first floor of the Sherlock Holmes Museum, and another 17 between the hall and front room on the Cardiff set of Sherlock. 在柯南•谈尔原著的《波西米亚的丑闻》一案中,夏洛克问花生他们在贝克街211b的住处有若干级台阶。花生稀里糊涂。夏洛克告诉他:“我知谈一共有17级,因为我不仅看,并且还不雅察。”福尔摩斯粉丝也相似善于不雅察,夏洛克•福尔摩斯博物馆通往二楼的台阶共有17级,而在剧中建筑的场景中,从大厅到卧室的楼梯亦然17级。
6. Matt Smith wanted to be Watson 马特·史姑娘想演花生
A week before landing the part of Doctor Who, Matt Smith auditioned to play John Watson; Steven Moffat decided he was "too barmy", and that one Sherlock was enough. Martin Freeman, on the other hand, arrived at his audition having had his wallet stolen on the way and was in such a bad mood it was assumed he wasn't interested. The following week, he returned in a better frame of mind, read with Benedict Cumberbatch, and the part was his. 在加盟《玄妙博士》的前一周,马特•史姑娘曾试镜花生一角。莫法特认为他“太疯癫”,而一个卷福就富足了。马丁•弗瑞曼在试镜的路上丢了钱包,神色灾祸的弗瑞曼让剧组以为他对这个脚色没什么兴致。一周后,他神色好转,和康伯巴奇一同试镜后,取得了这个脚色。
7. Benedict Cumberbatch hates Sherlock's hair 康伯巴奇不可爱夏洛克的发型
The actor's preparations for looking the part of Sherlock include intense Bikram yoga sessions, swimming, and no smoking or drinking during filming. But there's one thing he especially hates doing: growing his hair. As he told The Times, "I can't think of a wittier or even accurate comparison, but I just think it makes me look a bit like… a woman." 为出演夏洛克,康伯巴奇不仅要作念高温瑜伽、拍浮,拍摄技艺还得戒烟戒酒。然则尤其让他憎恶的如故留头发。康伯巴奇曾对《期间》周刊表示,“我想不出什么更搞笑或准确的态状了,我即是合计这个发型让我看起来有点像个……女东谈主。”
8. But he may be autistic 夏洛克是自闭症患者
Late 2013, autism charity the National Autistic Society cited Sherlock's single-mindedness, inability to understand social norms such as sarcasm, and incredible feats of recall as evidence that he might be autistic. This, despite Watson making a direct reference to his friend's Asperger's in The Hounds of Baskerville. 2013年底,自闭症慈善组织英国寰球自闭症协会指出夏洛克可能是自闭症患者,凭据即是他过于一根筋,搞不懂应答轨范,不懂挖苦,记挂力轶群。而在《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》一案中,花生对他的好友阿斯伯格径直指出了这点。
9. Mark Gatiss learnt to swim in Moriarty's pool 加蒂斯是在莫里亚蒂的泳池里学会拍浮的
At the end of season one, Moriarty lures Holmes and Watson to a beautiful public pool in order to kill them. The location used is Bristol South Swimming Pool; according to the Sherlockology blog, this is also where a young Mark Gatiss learnt to swim. 在第一季末尾时,莫里亚蒂将夏洛克和花生引到一座可以的民众泳池,企图干掉他俩。这里出现的泳池是南布里斯托尔拍浮池。据Sherlockology的博文称,这座泳池恰是加蒂斯小时刻学拍浮的地方。
10. Sherlock and Mrs Hudson knew each other in a previous life 卷福和哈德森老婆是老默契
Benedict Cumberbatch has often said that Una Stubbs (above), who plays his screen landlady Mrs Hudson, mothers him on the set of Sherlock. But she has good reason: Stubbs is an acting contemporary of Cumberbatch's mother Wanda Ventham, and used to live around the corner from her when Cumberbatch was a child. 康伯巴奇时时拿起,《神夏》中房主老婆的饰演者尤娜•斯塔布斯在拍摄经由中像姆妈一样关照我方。斯塔布斯这样作念是有原因的,她和康伯巴奇的姆妈万达•泛森是同期代的演员,康伯巴奇小时刻她们还曾是邻居。
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